GHIT Data Services helps clients deliver and manage everything related to data, from data analytics to cloud data to enterprise data warehouses to artificial intelligence (AI). At the end of the day, in the modern digital world of IT and technology, "data is everything." The super success of descriptive AI like ChatGPT (GPT 4) or Google Search also hinges on available data on servers or the world-wide web (WWW).


Data services are essentially web services for data. It makes it feasible to store data in the cloud or hybrid cloud for data storage. Once created, data services are reusable, making it possible for the company to save time on future development. Analyzing customer data helps make marketing, sales, compliance,and customer service efforts more effective.


Data services help government, healthcare, insurance, and technology (GHIT) companies improve efficiency in their operations. They can automate processes and reduce the time spent on manual tasks, thus saving time and maximizing resource utilization. Using Data as a Service (DaaS), data can be stored in many places safely and securely. The consumers of the data can find and analyze the information they need without concern for the specific location of that data.


GHIT Digital has years of experience in this field. As the go-to vendor partner for government, healthcare, insurance, and technology (GHIT) focused firms, we help our clients automate the work of locating heterogeneously stored data and provide data analysis using simple programmatic tools to store, find, and extract the necessary data (or dataset) with little effort. We are happy to lend our capabilities.


Give us a call at +1 201.792.8924 and we will help you manage (or monetize) your valuable data.

Enterprise Data Warehouse

Data Analytics

Data Interoperability

AI-ML, Deep learning