Data interoperability (DI) refers to the ability of different systems and applications to exchange and use data in a standardized and seamless manner. It allows for the sharing and use of data across different platforms, applications, and organizations without the need for manual intervention or data conversion.


Data interoperability is essential in today's digital world, where data is generated, shared, and consumed at an unprecedented rate. Interoperability ensures that data can flow freely and be used in different contexts, leading to increased efficiency, productivity, and innovation.


Data interoperability addresses the ability of services and systems that create, consume, and exchange data to have clear expectations for the contents, context, and meaning of that data. Open data requires data to be interoperable not only from a technical perspective but also from a legal and institutional perspective.


Investing time and resources in the development and deployment of data interoperability solutions will help your organization make better use of the data. Embedding data interoperability as a guiding principle in an organization also requires appropriate oversight and accountability, ensuring that data is comprehensive, timely, and supported by metadata, ensuring conformity with standards and compliance with any applicable laws and regulations, and ensuring coordination with other organizations and entities on the best approaches to sharing and exchanging data. Advantages of the Data Interoperability Solution:

  • facilitate the exchange of data.
  • Facilitate the receiving, checking, and processing of information.
  • Harmonization of disparate data
  • Improve the quality of the data.
  • Reduce the information requirements.


GHIT Digital offers data interoperability services to government, healthcare, insurance, and technology (GHIT) clients using six steps of a proven method. It includes identifying the data sources, defining the data format and structure, mapping data elements, developing data transformation rules, implementing data exchange protocols, testing the interoperability, and ensuring data security. FHIR based DI or HL7 based Data Interoperability is the backbone of HealthCare Payers (P1) and Providers (P2) as well as 21st Century Cures Act.


You are invited to reach out to us at +1 201.792.8924 for a discovery call.