An Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) is a database, or collection of databases, that centralizes a business's information from multiple sources and applications and makes it available for analytics and use across the organization.


EDWs can be housed on an on-premises server or in the cloud. EDW (or Data Lake) is a centralized repository for storing, managing (ELT/ETL), virtualization, governance, and analyzing large amounts of data from various sources within an organization, i.e., MIS, CRM, ERP, claims, HR, supply chain, marketing, sales, ITSM, etc. It is designed to support business intelligence and reporting functions and provide a single source of truth for decision-making.


EDWs typically integrate data to provide a complete view of the organization's data. The data is cleansed, transformed, and organized in a way that makes it easy to query and understand.


The maintenance of an enterprise data warehouse solution is advantageous to an organization for many reasons. It can also help make sense of seemingly random pieces of data that are coming into the organization through various inputs, and it can save valuable time by aggregating that information automatically. Organizations are likely to be better positioned for future growth when their data is organized in such a systemic, automated fashion.


GHIT Digital follows a dimensional modeling approach, where data is organized into fact tables (which contain the measurements and metrics of the business) and dimension tables (which contain the descriptive attributes of the business). This approach makes it easy to perform complex queries and analysis across different dimensions, such as time, geography, product, and customer.


We follow a proven nine-step process to provide enterprise data warehouse services to Government, Healthcare, Insurance, and Technology (GHIT) clients. It includes identifying business requirements, EDW architecture (on-prem, cloud, or hybrid), data modeling, data extraction, data transformation, data loading, data quality management, data interoperability, data security, metadata management, reporting, and analysis.



Our teams of experts have in-depth knowledge of Oracle Data Warehouse, Microsoft SQL Server, SAP HANA, IBM Redshift, Snowflake, etc. GHIT’s EDW services with statistical analysis provide your organization with centralized data storage, efficient data processing, improved data quality, advanced analytics capabilities including self-service analytics, data visualization, and scalability. These benefits can help your organization make better business decisions based on reliable data insights.



Feel free to call us at +1 201.792.8924 for a free quote or consultation.