Search Methodology – Vector Seach, Elastic Search, Transformer Search

Demystifying the Maze: A Deep Dive into Modern Search Technologies




Search engines play a pivotal role in connecting users with the information they seek. The journey begins with web crawlers, tirelessly navigating the vast expanse of the internet to discover and index web pages. Once indexed, search engines employ intricate ranking algorithms to determine the order in which results are presented. Search engines have evolved from simple keyword-based systems to sophisticated models powered by artificial intelligence. In the era of Gen AI, where artificial intelligence is at its zenith, the architecture and data schema of search engines indeed are critical components. Data ingestion involves gathering information from various sources, followed by preprocessing to clean and structure the data. Gen AI search engines excel in handling vast amounts of unstructured data through efficient processing pipelines. The final output is a result of intricate algorithms and models that analyze user queries and retrieve relevant information. Advanced machine learning techniques contribute to personalized and context-aware search results. At the core of every search engine lies a complex web of algorithms and methodologies designed to decipher user intent and deliver relevant results. Technology or Methodology of Search Engines include but is not limited to:


  • Elastic Search - A popular open-source platform, ElasticSearch shines for its scalability and real-time capabilities. It excels in structured data searches, making it ideal for e-commerce and log analysis. The data schema here involves mapping documents to JSON objects, which are then indexed based on defined fields. During search, queries target specific fields with Boolean operators or aggregations. The final output is a filtered and paginated list of documents matching the search criteria.


  • Semantic Search - Semantic search technology, like Transformer Search, understands the contextual meaning behind user queries.



  • Transformer Search - The reigning champion of text search, Transformer models like Google's T5 and Facebook's FAIRSeq infuse deep learning magic into understanding textual relationships. Their encoder-decoder architectures process inputs, map them into latent representations, and generate relevant outputs. For Gen AI applications, data schemas flow from massive text corpora ingested through web crawling or API integrations. Pre-processing involves tokenization, cleaning, and entity recognition. These tokens are then fed into the Transformer, trained on specific tasks like question answering or summarization. The processed data then emerges as the final output, tailored to the user's query.


  • Vector Search - This rising star utilizes multi-dimensional vectors to represent documents and queries. These vectors are created using techniques like word embedding, capturing semantic relationships between words. During search, the similarity between query and document vectors determines ranking. Data schemas for vector search involve indexing textual content and generating corresponding dense vectors. Applications range from product recommendations to image search, and the final output is a ranked list of relevant results based on vector proximity.



  • Voice and Image Searches - The rise of voice and image searches has transformed the way users interact with search engines.



Comparative Analysis


  • Google Bard and Gemini - Google: The undisputed search leader relies on a multi-pronged approach. Its PageRank algorithm, based on website link analysis, ensures authority is factored into ranking. Additionally, relevance is determined by various signals like keyword proximity, user engagement, and freshness of content. Google's vast data pool and sophisticated query understanding techniques contribute to its dominance. As the next generation of Google Search, Bard and Gemini leverage advances in language understanding and reasoning. They aim to go beyond keywords, interpreting user intent and providing comprehensive, informative answers that transcend simple factual retrieval.
  • Meta: Facebook's search prioritizes personal connections and user preferences. Its graph-based algorithms leverage social interactions and user data to deliver personalized results. This approach shines for finding friends, groups, and content relevant to the user's social sphere.
  • OpenAI - ChatGPT: The new kid on the block, ChatGPT employs a generative pre-trained transformer model. It doesn't crawl or index the web but instead draws from its massive training dataset and internal knowledge base. This allows for a more conversational and context-aware search experience, catering to complex, open-ended queries. However, factual accuracy and comprehensiveness remain areas for improvement.
  • xAI: Explainable AI is increasingly important in search. Tools like Google's "AI Test Kitchen" help users understand the rationale behind search results, fostering trust and transparency.



Challenges and Future of Search Engines


While traditional search engines focus on publicly accessible websites, specialized tools cater to specific needs. Deep web or dark web search engines like Tor require anonymity-preserving protocols. Searching across diverse data sources, including SQL and No-SQL databases, requires adaptable search engines. Advanced indexing and querying mechanisms enable efficient retrieval of information from structured and unstructured data repositories. In the era of web 2.0, challenges persist, including parsing secured websites, conducting searches on diverse data sources (e.g., HTTPS, PDFs, SQL, No-SQL databases), and addressing privacy concerns. Advanced search engines must navigate encrypted protocols (HTTPS) and authenticate access to deliver results from secured websites. Techniques like web scraping and APIs play a crucial role in extracting information.





As technology continues to advance, search engines are at the forefront of innovation. Transformer Search, Vector Search, and Elastic Search, along with the architectural designs for Gen AI, showcase the evolution of search technologies. While Google and OpenAI - ChatGPT lead the way, other players like Meta, xAI, Google Bard, and Google Gemini contribute to the dynamic landscape. Navigating the challenges of web 2.0, including hidden searches and parsing secured websites, ensures that these search engines provide users with seamless, secure, and personalized search experiences. The journey of search technologies is ongoing, promising exciting developments and improvements in the years to come.



About GHIT Digital


GHIT Digital ( is a domain focused, future ready, boutique IT Services & Digital Transformation firm. We are Minority and Women Owned (MWOB) small business from New Jersey, USA. Diversity, Inclusion, and Growth is our Mantra. Team GHIT works on strategic IT Projects for Government (G); HealthCare (H); Insurance (I); and Technology (T) clients, thus the brand GHITWe are nimble, scalable and sell & deliver with Platform Partners & Delivery Partners. Our niche capabilities include Agile Project Management, Infrastructure Services, Data Services, Cloud native Data and Apps Implementation, Integration, Migration, Security & Optimization.


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Monika Vashishtha, MBA, ITIL, PMP

President & COO I +1 201.792.8924


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