Proposal Writing Services via Shipley Proposal Development Process

Proposal Writing Services by GHIT Digital using Shipley Proposal Development Process


The Shipley Proposal Development Process is a framework for developing and submitting proposals in response to requests for proposals (RFPs) and requests for quotes (RFQs). It is a structured approach to proposal development that helps organizations increase their win rates and improve their proposal quality. GHIT Digital, as an IT services firm focused on the Healthcare, Gov-health, Insurance Tech, and SLED domains, uses the Shipley Proposal Development Process to respond to RFQs/RFPs and federal contract vehicles opportunities. They apply the six stages of the Shipley Proposal Development Process to their proposal development efforts.


The process consists of six main stages:


Opportunity Identification: This stage involves identifying opportunities that align with the organization's business goals and capabilities. It includes monitoring online portals, attending conferences and networking events, and conducting market research. In the opportunity identification stage, GHIT Digital can leverage their domain expertise to identify potential opportunities through research, networking, and monitoring online portals such as FedBizOpps and GSA eBuy. In the bid/no-bid decision stage, they can evaluate the opportunity against specific criteria, such as their experience, capabilities, and capacity.


Bid/No-bid Decision: This stage involves evaluating the opportunity against specific criteria, such as the organization's resources, competition, and potential profitability. Based on this evaluation, the organization decides whether to pursue the opportunity or not.


Proposal Planning: This stage involves creating a proposal plan that outlines the proposal's structure, content, timeline, and resources. It includes identifying the proposal team, developing a win strategy, and creating a proposal outline. In the proposal planning stage, GHIT Digital can develop a proposal plan that includes a win strategy, proposal structure, content, timeline, and resource allocation. They can also identify the proposal team, including subject matter experts, technical writers, and editors.


Proposal Development: This stage involves writing the proposal content based on the proposal plan. It includes conducting research, writing the executive summary, developing the technical and management sections, and reviewing and editing the proposal. In the proposal development stage, GHIT Digital can conduct research, write the executive summary, develop the technical and management sections, and review and edit the proposal. They can leverage their domain expertise to create a compelling proposal that addresses the client's requirements.


Proposal Review: This stage involves reviewing the proposal for compliance, responsiveness, and quality. It includes conducting a compliance review, a peer review, and a final review. In the proposal review stage, GHIT Digital can conduct a compliance review, a peer review, and a final review to ensure that the proposal is compliant, responsive, and of high quality. They can also leverage the expertise of external reviewers to provide a fresh perspective on the proposal.


Proposal Submission: This stage involves submitting the proposal on time and in the correct format. It includes following the submission instructions, packaging the proposal correctly, and delivering the proposal to the appropriate party. Finally, in the proposal submission stage, GHIT Digital can package the proposal correctly, follow the submission instructions, and deliver the proposal to the appropriate party on time.




By using the Shipley Proposal Development Process, GHIT Digital can improve their proposal development efforts and increase their win rates for RFQs/RFPs and federal contract vehicle opportunities.



About GHIT Digital


GHIT Digital ( is a domain focused, future ready, boutique IT Services & Digital Transformation firm. We are Minority and Women Owned (MWOB) small business from New Jersey, USA. Diversity, Inclusion, and Growth is our Mantra. Team GHIT works on strategic IT Projects for Government (G); HealthCare (H); Insurance (I); and Technology (T) clients, thus the brand GHIT. We are nimble, scalable and sell & deliver with Platform Partners & Delivery Partners. Our niche capabilities include Agile Project Management, Infrastructure Services, Data Services, Cloud native Data and Apps Implementation, Integration, Migration, Security & Optimization.


Contact US


MonMass, Inc. (the legal name of GHIT Digital) will work on your strategic IT Projects or tactical Staffing & Consulting requirements (NAICS codes 541511 / 541512 / 541330 / 541618). Feel free to call 201.792.8924 or write to us at for no obligation discovery conversation. You are welcome to share your RFPs/RPQs for us to review and respond on time.



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