HealthCare Use Cases for EDM + BPM + CCM


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HealthCare Use Cases for EDM + BPM + CCM


Enhancing Efficiency and Collaboration in American Healthcare with Integrated Enterprise Platforms of Enterprise Documents Management (EDM), Business Process Management (BPM) and Enterprise Communication Management (ECM).




In the dynamic landscape of American healthcare, efficiency, collaboration, and compliance are paramount. Enterprise Document Management (EDM), Business Process Management (BPM), and Enterprise Communication Management (ECM) have emerged as indispensable tools to address the HealthCare business and compliance challenges. We delve into the definitions, features, functionalities, and use cases of these platforms within three domains of American Healthcare: Payers & Health Plans (P1), Providers & Hospital Systems (P2), and Pharma & Life Sciences + Medical Devices (P3). Additionally, we love to highlight how NewgenOne Marvin, an AI-powered and Low-Code Enterprise Platform, seamlessly integrates these functionalities to provide a comprehensive solution tailored to the unique needs of the healthcare industry.


Enterprise Document Management (EDM) – Definitions & Functionalities


EDM (also known as ECM) encompasses the systematic organization, storage, retrieval, and tracking of documents within HealthCare organization. Its features & functionalities include but are not limited to i.e.


  • Document Capture - Automated ingestion of various document types including medical records, insurance claims, and regulatory documents.
  • Document Storage & Retrieval - Secure storage with robust search capabilities, ensuring quick access to critical information.
  • Version Control & Compliance - Track changes, maintain version history, and adhere to regulatory compliance standards such as HIPAA.



Enterprise Document Management (EDM or ECM) – Use Cases & Workflows


  • Payers & Health Plans (P1) - Streamline claims processing, member enrollment, and policy management workflows.
  • Providers & Hospital Systems (P2) - Facilitate electronic health record (EHR) management, clinical documentation, and billing processes.
  • Pharma & Life Sciences (P3) - Manage regulatory submissions, clinical trial documentation, and product documentation lifecycle.


Business Process Management (BPM) – Definitions & Functionalities


BPM involves the design, execution, monitoring, and optimization of business processes to enhance efficiency and agility. Its features & functionalities include but are not limited to i.e.


  • Process Modeling - Graphical interface to design and model complex healthcare workflows, incorporating decision points and business rules.
  • Workflow Automation - Automate repetitive tasks, notifications, and escalations to streamline processes and reduce manual intervention.
  • Analytics & Performance Monitoring - Real-time insights into process performance, allowing for continuous improvement and optimization.


Business Process Management (BPM) – Use Cases & Workflows


  • Payers & Health Plans (P1): Automate claims adjudication, prior authorization, and member onboarding processes.
  • Providers & Hospital Systems (P2): Optimize patient intake, discharge planning, and revenue cycle management workflows.
  • Pharma & Life Sciences (P3): Accelerate drug development, regulatory submissions, and pharmacovigilance processes.


Enterprise Communication Management (ECM) - Definition & Functionalities


ECM involves the centralized management and delivery of personalized communications across multiple channels.


  • Omnichannel Communication - Deliver communications via email, SMS, print, and digital channels, ensuring personalized and timely interactions.
  • Template Management - Design and manage reusable templates for documents such as explanation of benefits (EOB), appointment reminders, and patient education materials.
  • Compliance & Security - Ensure compliance with industry regulations and safeguard sensitive patient information during communication delivery.


Enterprise Communication Management (ECM) - Use Cases & Workflows


  • Payers & Health Plans (P1) - Deliver member communications, including benefit summaries, claim status updates, and wellness program notifications.
  • Providers & Hospital Systems (P2) - Send appointment reminders, discharge instructions, and patient education materials via preferred channels.
  • Pharma & Life Sciences (P3) - Distribute regulatory communications, drug safety alerts, and product information to healthcare professionals and patients.


Why NewgenOne Marvin is a perfect Platform for your EDM + BPM + CCM needs.


In the ever-evolving landscape of American healthcare, the convergence of Enterprise Document Management (EDM), Business Process Management (BPM), and Enterprise Communication Management is essential for driving efficiency, collaboration, and compliance. NewgenOne Marvin leverages AI-powered capabilities and Low-Code development to seamlessly integrate EDM, BPM, and ECM functionalities into a unified platform. By harnessing the power of Marvin's modular architecture, healthcare organizations can customize and deploy tailored solutions that address their specific needs. Whether it's automating claims processing, optimizing clinical workflows, care management, premium billing, provider portal or enhancing patient engagement. By embracing integrated platforms like NewgenOne Marvin, healthcare organizations can unlock new levels of productivity, agility, and innovation, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.


About GHIT Digital


GHIT Digital ( is a domain focused, future ready, boutique IT Services & Digital Transformation firm. We are Minority and Women Owned (MWOB) small business from New Jersey, USA. Diversity, Inclusion, and Growth is our Mantra. Team GHIT works on strategic IT Projects for Government (G); HealthCare (H); Insurance (I); and Technology (T) clients, thus the brand GHITWe are nimble, scalable and sell & deliver with Platform Partners & Delivery Partners. Our niche capabilities include Agile Project Management, Infrastructure Services, Data Services, Cloud native Data and Apps Implementation, Integration, Migration, Security & Optimization.


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MonMass, Inc. (the legal name of GHIT Digital) will work on your strategic IT Projects or Consulting requirements (NAICS codes 541511 / 541512 / 541330 / 541618). Feel free to call 201.792.8924 or 646.734.6482 or write to me at for no obligation discovery conversation. You are welcome to share your RFPs/RPQs for us to review and respond on time.



Monika Vashishtha, MBA, ITIL, PMP

President & COO I


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Government | Health | Insurance | Tech


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