GHIT Past Performance: Website Design and Development

GHIT Past Performance: Website Design and Development


GHIT Digital, a leading Digital Transformation company focused into SLED (State, Local, and Education) clients, has built many digital websites or redesigned websites with the latest and greatest digital features. They include but are not limited to:


Develop a responsive and user-friendly website: GHIT Digital worked with a  leading client to create a website that is optimized for desktop, mobile, and tablet devices, and is designed to be easy to navigate and use for all visitors.


Incorporate accessibility features for a website: GHIT Digital redesigned a client’s website to include features that make the site more accessible for individuals with disabilities, such as alt text for images and closed captioning for videos.


Integrate a custom content management system (CMS): Team GHIT Digital created a custom CMS for a client’s website, allowing staff members to easily manage and update website content, including news articles, events, and announcements.


Implement an e-commerce platform: GHIT Digital integrated an e-commerce platform into a website, allowing residents to make payments for services directly on the website.


Design and develop an online learning platform: Team GHIT Digital created a custom e-learning platform, allowing students to access course materials, participate in discussions, and complete assignments online.


Incorporate social media integration: GHIT Digital redesigned a client’s website to include social media integration, allowing patrons to easily share resources and events on social media platforms.


Provide website security and compliance services: GHIT Digital built website security and compliance services to a client to ensure that their website meets all necessary compliance requirements and is protected against cyber threats.


Implement a chatbot feature: GHIT Digital integrated a chatbot feature into a client website, allowing visitors to get quick answers to common questions and issues.


Develop a mobile app: Team GHIT Digital created a mobile app for a client, allowing parents and students to access school news, events, and grades on the go.


Provide website analytics and optimization services: GHIT Digital built and offered website analytics and optimization services to a client, helping them track user behavior and improve the performance of their website over time.






About GHIT Digital


GHIT Digital ( is a domain focused, future ready, boutique IT Services & Digital Transformation firm. We are Minority and Women Owned (MWOB) small business from New Jersey, USA. Diversity, Inclusion, and Growth is our Mantra. Team GHIT works on strategic IT Projects for Government (G); HealthCare (H); Insurance (I); and Technology (T) clients, thus the brand GHIT. We are nimble, scalable and sell & deliver with Platform Partners & Delivery Partners. Out niche capabilities include Agile Project Management, Infrastructure Services, Data Services, Cloud native Data and Apps Implementation, Integration, Migration, Security & Optimization.


Contact US


MonMass, Inc. (the legal name of GHIT Digital) will work on your strategic IT Projects or tactical Staffing & Consulting requirements (NAICS codes 541511 / 541512 / 541330 / 541618). Feel free to call 201.792.8924 or write to us at for no obligation discovery conversation. You are welcome to share your RFPs/RPQs for us to review and respond on time.



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