FHIR based Data Interoperability

FHIR based Data Interoperability

Architectural Diagram for FHIR-based Data Interoperability


FHIR-based interoperability is still in its early stages of adoption, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way that healthcare data is exchanged. By making it easy for healthcare payers and providers to share data, FHIR can help to improve patient care, reduce costs, and increase patient engagement. The architectural diagram shown here is a high-level overview of a FHIR-based data interoperability solution for healthcare payers and providers.


FHIR Use Cases & Benefits

FHIR-based interoperability has the potential to be a game changer for healthcare because it allows healthcare payers and providers to exchange healthcare data in a secure and efficient way. This can lead to several benefits, including:


  • Patient Chart (MyChart) App:  A patient can use a FHIR-based app to view their health information from multiple sources, such as their EHR, payer system, and wearable devices.


  • Standardization: FHIR offers a standardized way to structure and exchange healthcare data, promoting consistency and compatibility.


  • Claims Processing:  A Payer can use FHIR to process a claim more quickly and accurately by having access to the patient's complete medical history, including information from multiple providers.


  • Efficiency: FHIR-based interoperability streamlines data exchange, reducing administrative burdens and costs for healthcare payers and providers.


  • Improved patient care: FHIR-based interoperability can help healthcare providers to get a more complete view of their patients' health information, which can lead to better decision-making and improved care.


  • Increased patient engagement: FHIR-based interoperability can help patients to become more involved in their own care by giving them access to their healthcare data and the ability to share it with their providers. The Blue Button Act and 21st Century Cures Act empower patients to access and control their health information, enhancing patient engagement.


  • Provider Access:  A provider can use FHIR to request and receive a patient's medical history from another provider, even if the two providers use different EHR systems.


  • Reduced costs: FHIR-based interoperability can help to reduce the administrative costs associated with healthcare by streamlining the process of exchanging healthcare data.


The FHIR Architecture & Tech Stacks


  • Access Control and Security: Robust access control mechanisms and security measures are essential to protect sensitive healthcare data.


  • Cloud APIs: Utilize cloud APIs for scalability, data storage, and computing resources. Cloud providers offer various healthcare-specific services and security features to support FHIR-based interoperability. These are APIs provided by cloud providers that can be used to build and deploy FHIR-based solutions.  Example - Amazon Web Services (AWS) HealthLake, Google Cloud Healthcare API, or Microsoft Azure Healthcare APIs



  • Data Repository: Data is stored in a secure and compliant repository, ensuring privacy and security.


  • Data Sources: These include healthcare providers, payers, Electronic Health Records (EHRs), and other healthcare systems.


  • FHIR API: FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) serves as the core API standard for data exchange. It provides a structured way to represent and share healthcare data. Your native or 3rd party FHIR Server (accessed via APIs) allows seamless & secured 2 Data Interoperability between healthcare payers and providers to exchange FHIR resources with the FHIR Server. Example - HAPI FHIR, SMART on FHIR, and FHIRCast


  • FHIR Server: This is a central repository that stores FHIR resources representing healthcare data. Example - Apache HBase, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, or FHIR-specific servers such as HAPI FHIR or Cerner's FHIR Server etc.


  • Integration Layer: An integration layer facilitates communication between various data sources and the FHIR API. This may include ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes and data transformation.


  • Payer Systems: These are systems used by healthcare payers to process claims and manage payments. Example – TriZetto Facets, QNXT, HealthEdge, Plexis, Health Axis etc.


  • Provider EHRs: These are electronic health records systems used by healthcare providers to store and manage patient data. Example - Various EHR vendors, such as Epic, Cerner, Allscripts etc.



Compliance driving FHIR Interoperability

The Blue Button Act and the 21st Century Cures Act are two pieces of legislation that promote the use of health information technology (HIT) to improve healthcare quality and efficiency.


The Blue Button Act, which was passed in 2010, requires the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to create a standardized "Blue Button" for beneficiaries. It enables patients to access their health information easily, fostering patient engagement.


The 21st Century Cures Act, which was passed in 2016, includes several provisions related to HIT, including the requirement for healthcare providers and payers to use interoperable standards to exchange electronic health information. This act promotes interoperability and patient access to health data. It mandates the use of FHIR for data exchange, making it easier for healthcare providers and payers to share patient information securely.


About GHIT Digital


GHIT Digital ( https://ghit.digital/) is a domain focused, future ready, boutique IT Services & Digital Transformation firm. We are Minority and Women Owned (MWOB) small business from New Jersey, USA. Diversity, Inclusion, and Growth is our Mantra. Team GHIT works on strategic IT Projects for Government (G); HealthCare (H); Insurance (I); and Technology (T) clients, thus the brand GHIT. We are nimble, scalable and sell & deliver with Platform Partners & Delivery Partners. Our niche capabilities include Agile Project Management, Infrastructure Services, Data Services, Cloud native Data and Apps Implementation, Integration, Migration, Security & Optimization.


Contact US


MonMass, Inc. (the legal name of GHIT Digital) will work on your strategic IT Projects or tactical Staffing & Consulting requirements (NAICS codes 541511 / 541512 / 541330 / 541618). Feel free to call 201.792.8924 or write to us at Contact@GHIT.digital for no obligation discovery conversation. You are welcome to share your RFPs/RPQs for us to review and respond on time.



We should connect. We could talk about market trends and explore business synergies, if any.



Monika Vashishtha, MBA, ITIL, PMP

President & COO 

https://ghit.digital I +1 201.792.8924


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